Tree Farm Map & Management Activities Database

Live Vermont Tree Farm Map!

New Landowner Tools
Vermont Tree Farm has received numerous grants over the years, allowing us to work on a variety of educational opportunities as well as help to make our program work better for our Tree Farmers and their foresters. We received a grant from American Forest Foundation in 2021 with the overwhelming title of “Digital Conservation Tracking Grant”, with the purpose of creating an interactive map and geospatial database to help track activities on Tree Farms across Vermont. With this information, we can provide ways to measure, report and verify conservation impact Tree Farmers have within the State of Vermont, and in turn share this with the American Forest Foundation, and American Tree Farm System. On a more local level, and more personal for Vermont Tree Farmers, the map allows a landowner who maybe sees a Tree Farm sign on a back road, to go the map, and find out whose Tree Farm that might be, and potentially connect with another Tree Farmer. It will also assist the committee in planning activities and connecting resources for educational opportunities.

The Vermont Tree Farm map gives the user the ability to zoom in and out to each Tree Farm, as well as identify Tree Farm numbers and ownership. You can use this map as a tool to connect with other Tree Farmers, connect with some “Champions” of Tree Farm, or connect to
landowners with an interest in the Tree Farm program.
We are hoping that this broadens your connections.

Click here or on the map below to navigate throughout Vermont.

Vermont Tree Farm Management Activities Database

We are also developing a database of Tree Farm management activities, supplied by Tree Farmers across the state. As Tree Farmers add information to this database highlighting their Tree projects, they are including descriptions of the activities and photographs as well! Anyone accessing this information could further explore the Tree Farm property on the map, and possibly connect with another Tree Farmer to take a peek at their work! The Vermont Tree Farm Committee also hopes to use these tools to measure impact and implementation of management on certified Tree Farms; therefore, any data collected may be shared with program sponsors and other states upon request. It’s a great way to show off the wonderful work you all do here in Vermont to steward your Tree Farms!

We are hopeful that both of these tools will also help to expand our outreach to woodland owners across our wonderfully wooded Vermont!

Tree Farmers: Click here to add your management activities to the database.

Tree Farmers and non-Tree Farmers: Click here to review the entries in the Management Activities database.

Click here to view photos submitted from Management Activities Database.

Click here for the map instructions and here for the database directions. Watch the training video here!