Inspector Training

Inspecting to the 2021 Standards: To be qualified to inspect to the 2021 ATFS Standards, all ATFS Inspecting Foresters must initially update their credentials to the 2021 Standards via training. Following training, an inspector’s status will remain active for five years.

The ATFS database has been updated to track inspector actions and will send automatic email messages reminding you when your active status will expire. This should alert you to the need to either complete an inspection or take the online referesher. If you do not intend to provide Tree Farm services, then we suggest you not renew your Tree Farm forester certification.

The online refresher is available 24/7 at  for those wishing to take this training.  If you do not know your login credentials, please email Annica McGuirk or Kathy Beland.

Still have questions as an Inspector? Be sure to visit the American Tree Farm System’s Inspector’s Corner page, which includes Inspector FAQs, webinars, and other helpful resources.